Getting Back on Track

Posted by: Monifa - Posted on:

Helping you stay safe as the sun begins to shine

As you are no doubt aware, the Welsh Government have announced that we are now at Alert Level 0. However, disappointingly cases continue to be reported nationally. We all have made tremendous changes to the way we live our lives, and the way business and services operate on a local and national level, and it has been a truly herculean effort for all involved to keep people as safe as possible and still enjoy their social lives and hobbies. 

It is important to remember that although the sun is beginning to shine and we again can enjoy time with our friends and families, that the pandemic is not over. We all must still work together to make sure that what we have learned so far in the last two years is not wasted.

At Dulais Valley we understand that people with chronic conditions such as heart disease, COPD, asthma and diabetes may have struggled particularly with access to services limited by isolation and lockdowns. This is especially true to our patients who struggle with their mental health. To help, we have begun a proactive program to invite patients with ongoing problems to attend the surgery for a review, a chat, and some advice and reassurance. 

Over the next few months, we will be sending out a letter or two through the post encouraging you to attend for reviews that we believe will help you in the management of any ongoing problem you have, and to check all of your medication is at its most beneficial. Not only will this give you piece of mind, but it will also help the practice identify areas where we can focus to develop and improve your ongoing care. 

These reviews are of course not mandatory, but we would highly recommend attending them if you are able. If you are struggling to find the time with work, childcare or transport, please let us know, and we’ll do our best to arrange something convenient for you. 

Alongside these reviews and clinics, the practice is excited about a few new community projects starting soon that will help the community stay in touch and keep informed about the way forward after COVID. 

As always, please keep an eye on our website for updates about the programs we will be offering, and we look forward to seeing you again whether it is for a review or at a community event sometime in the next few months.