Medication Reviews to Restart at Dulais Valley

Posted by: richardphillips - Posted on:

Over the last few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our opportunities to conduct thorough medication reviews with our patients has been severely limited. As you are aware, many of these reviews were conducted via telephone, however we are committed to providing a one-to-one service to discuss all of your medication requirements.

We are pleased to announce that on every Tuesday, Peter Littlewood, the practice pharmacist will be conducting face to face medication reviews with patients who are currently taking high dose Gabapentin, Pregabalin or Codeine. We will also be inviting patients who are on regular anti-coagulation (blood thinning) medication.

It is important to remember the benefits of having regular medication reviews. Due to the complex nature of conditions and their therapies, Dulais Valley is committed to keeping our patients informed of the reasons they are taking their medication, and to ensure that everything is at the appropriate dosage.

Initially, we will be inviting patients who fit the above criteria by letter, but if you have any questions about any of the medications you take, we encourage you to get in touch with the practice and book into the new clinic to discuss them with Peter. This will not only allow us to keep up to date information about how your medications are working for you, but also to answer any questions or concerns you have about your medicines and how they are handled by the practice and the pharmacy.